Terms & Conditions


This information has been provided in good faith only please speak to a consultant to arrange a consultation to assess your personal situation. We do not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the information. There is no warranty that the products and services within this website, or the information, suggestions or ideas within the site will be suited to or meet your requirements or situation. kurl web does not allow any racial, pornographic or material that may be considered offensive to be displayed on sites designed and/or developed by us. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure all content is correct.

The kurl website contains links to other sites and we hereby declare explicitly that the content of the linked pages is in no way a representation of kurl web. Therefore, kurl dissociates itself from all content of all linked pages of third parties. You click on links to external websites at your own risk, whether these are recommended by us or not. Any relationship or dealings you establish with these third parties is between you and them and kurl is in no way involved or associated with your dealings.

kurl web does not warrant that this website is free from viruses or other defects or that the functions available on this website will be uninterrupted or error free, or that any defects will be corrected.  Information, quotes or estimates provided on this website are not legally binding offers. Although all attempts are made to ensure that information on this site is accurate, from time to time products or services may differ and or change and we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from its use.

kurl web may update terms and conditions at any time without notice.

Delayed, Suspended, or Abandoned Projects

Project Delays

Projects can sometimes stall as we wait on content, information, feedback, approvals, etc., that we have requested from clients. While waiting for your response, we will typically begin to work on other projects to use our time efficiently.

A project is considered delayed if our request for assets, information, feedback, approvals, etc., goes without sufficient response for more than ten business days.

When a project is delayed, we may remove it from our active project queue and place it at the back of the line. Work will resume on a delayed project when we have received what was asked for, and our queue of work will allow us to focus on your project again.

Project Suspension

A project is considered suspended if your response to our request for assets, information, feedback, approvals, etc., is delayed for more than 45 days without a reasonable cause as determined by us.

Once a project is considered suspended, it is the sole responsibility of the client to reactivate the project by

  1. supplying all items necessary to complete the project and
  2. paying the balance of the project in full and/or a reactivation fee equal to 25% of the project total. If the project has already been paid in full the full reactivation fee still applies.

After a project is considered suspended, we will only perform additional development work once the project has been reactivated, as explained above. The infrastructure will continue to be maintained (software updates etc).

Project Abandonment

A project is considered abandoned if you do not supply assets, information, feedback, approvals, etc., for more than 90 days without a reasonable cause, as determined by us. When a project is abandoned no deposits, milestone payments or other fees are refundable.

If the project is reinitiated at a future point in time, the project will be re-costed and will start over. Any previous payments will not be applied.