Simple techniques like website alerts or popups

Published On: April 15, 2020|Categories: Tips, Web Content|1 min read|

In the past week our team has been steadily working away : completing existing website projects, liaising with existing clients, and fielding new enquiries.

Some of the new enquirers are businesses in the retail and hospitality space that have been significantly impacted by COVID-19 and are investigating ways to reach customers online.

We have also been contacted by businesses who are making the most of the quiet time and moving their digital project off the backburner.

I love that business owners and managers are seeing opportunity during this period and are turning their thoughts and energies to re-engaging with customers, attracting new clients, and sharing their business stories in a new way.

There are many low-cost high-impact techniques to communicate with existing customers and put your website and brand in front of potential clients.

Simple techniques like website alerts or popups can notify customers of current business changes. Revised SEO can get your website noticed again by search engines and ranking higher.

So if you or a business you know needs help now, suggest they reach out to kurl for advice. We’re happy to help.

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